About Me

Although I won't eat anything with four legs, I've always liked trying new things, new foods. So I'm open to different cuisines, and one day, I'll figure out what I do and don't like. But I do have my favorites. Back in the day, some of my influences in the kitchen were Jacques Pepin, James Barber, Stephen Yan and his brother Martin, Nick Stellino, Charlie Trotter, Rick Bayless, Regina Campbell, and many more, including countless cookbook authors. Eighteen years later, I have yet to cook a simple French omelette that looks like the one I saw Pepin demonstrating. I can't even guarantee the outcome of a good bowl of rice. So I don't know if I ever learned anything from my mentors, but it was a lot of fun to watch, and to experiment. That's why cooking has always been a challenge to me, not a chore. If anything here inspires you to experiment in the kitchen, then we'll call it a happy accident.

Gilbert Grape
The Recipeless Cook
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