Easy No-Cook Summer Tomato Sauce

"No tomatoes were harmed during the production of this sauce."

Ahhhh.... it's the summer. Which means heat, humidity, more heat, more humidity, and heat. Who wants to turn the stove on more than necessary, just to make a spaghetti sauce? Well, now you don't have to. You just need access to fresh tomatoes, and a food processor. Choose nice, ripe fresh tomatoes for this one, because you're going to taste it.


tomatoes, as needed (3-5)
herb(s), fresh or dried (ie. basil, chives)
onion, small dice (do not throw in food processor)
garlic, mashed (see instructions here for mashing garlic)
salt, to taste
olive oil, 3-4 T


Throw the tomatoes in a food processor, along with the mashed/chopped garlic, herbs, salt and olive oil. Process a few seconds, until you have a texture that resembles the above photo. Mix in the onion, and stir your favorite pasta with the sauce.



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